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CMA Exam Advice
Man thinking about the breakdown of the CMA exam multiple choice questions
You have signed in to the testing center, finished the tutorial, and clicked to begin the multiple-choice section of your CMA exam. Now, you must work your way through 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) within 3 hours. Candidates who are able to navigate and conquer the MCQs with relative ease are those who have both studied...
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raising hands for being the CMA champions
The training montage is a familiar sight in pop culture. The protagonist spends a minute doing push-ups or studying or running up stairs and is suddenly equipped to tackle a challenge that was previously out of arm’s reach. It is an excellent narrative element but, unfortunately, not the way the world really works. The CMA...
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Hallie D’Agostino, CMA, CPA, recently received a master’s in accounting from Kent State University and is currently working as a CPA at Grant Thornton LLP in Cleveland. While completing her degree, Hallie used Gleim CMA Review to prepare for and pass the CMA exam. When Gleim asked her about her CMA exam experience, Hallie was...
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