The Gleim CIA Review System helped me to succeed quickly in passing all three parts of the Certified Internal Auditor exam. I even earned the William S. Smith Award for outstanding performance which I was not expecting! The materials were easy to follow and presented in a logical manner. The online test prep module provided an easy tracking tool to help target the areas where I needed the most help. I was able to use the online tool to practice answering multiple choice questions at a pace that worked for me. I was able to concentrate on questions for each study unit, combine questions for several study units, or even simulate taking the actual exam. I was also able to easily study when I had time, where I had time. Since the practice questions are in a web based format, I was able to access the study materials from my laptop, my tablet, and even my phone whenever I had a few extra minutes. This flexibility definitely helped me to keep on track with my study schedule. I also never felt like the practice questions were repeating. The bank of questions was more than enough to ensure I grasped all the concepts within each study unit. I highly recommend the overall format and ease of use of this Review System.