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CPA Exam Time Management tips

Implement a CPA Exam Time Management System. Learn strategies for managing your time on the exam. It's important!
cpa exam time management

Implement a CPA Exam Time Management System

You will have 4 total hours to complete your exam. How you allocate this time among testlets is entirely up to you. If you do not manage your time well, you may not have enough time to answer all of the questions.

Budget your time so you can finish!

Because each section has a different number of questions, your time per testlet should not always be the same. The table below shows how many minutes you should plan to spend on each testlet for each section.

How to Allocate Your CPA Exam Time
per Testlet, in minutes
- 15 MINUTE BREAK (not counted toward total time) -
Total Time234216226238
Extra Time624142
Total Time Allowed240240240240

*rounded down

To meet these goals, aim to spend 1.25 minutes (1:15) per Multiple-Choice Question and 18 minutes per Task-Based Simulation. This will leave you with enough time to review before submitting each testlet.

Any left-over time can be added to later testlets to help ensure you are answering them to the best of your ability. Do not leave the test center early just because you have finished.

Write your Time Management System on your note board at the exam.

You will get a note board at the test center. One of the first things you should do is write down the times you should be finishing each testlet to help you stay organized.

The CPA Exam timer will count down from 4 hours 0 minutes (4:00) and will switch to minutes:seconds at the 2-minute mark. Use shorthand for hours:minutes to help you write down your progress more quickly.

Completion Times and Time Remaining
Completion Times and Time Remaining
After Testlet 13:153:223:193:13
After Testlet 22:302:442:382:26
After Testlet 31:542:042:021:50
After Testlet 41:001:241:080:56
After Testlet 50:060:240:140:02

If you feel you may run out of time for a particular question before you are able to determine the answer, make your best educated guess so you can stay on schedule. Flag the question for review in case you have time to return at the end of the testlet!

Focus on the exam timer and not on your watch. Stick with your time budget and you will be able to finish in plenty of time.

Looking for more tips? Check out our full list!

Getting ready to sit? Check out our CPA Exam day tips!


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