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CPA Exam Task-Based Simulation tips

Beat Task-Based Simulations On The CPA Exam. How to tackle TBSs and improve your score.
understanding task-based simulations on the cpa exam

Beat Task-Based Simulations on the CPA Exam

All four CPA Exam sections feature Task-Based Simulations. For AUD, FAR, and REG, they account for 50% of your total score. For BEC, they account for 35%, and the remaining 15% of your grade is Written Communications.

Simulations are considered the hardest part of the exam, so you want to spend part of your study time learning how to answer these questions efficiently and effectively.

Get familiar with Task-Based Simulations.

Task-Based Simulations can come in many forms and are one of the most difficult hurdles to become a CPA. If you have never encountered TBSs before, you may find it helpful to read resources explaining Task-Based Simulations.

Make sure your review provider presents the Sims the same way as the exam. Time is very limited on the CPA Exam, so don’t wait until you’re at the Prometric Test Center to learn how to answer these questions!

When answering Task-Based Simulation testlets, spend the first few minutes reading the directions and scanning each Sim. There are significantly fewer Task-Based Simulations per testlet than there are MCQs, so it’s useful to spend 2 to 3 minutes reviewing each question to see what is coming. Then, start with the questions you can easily answer and return to the difficult questions once you are done.

Familiarize yourself with all of the available tools.

You’ll need to learn to use various tools and applications to complete your work as a CPA. The same is true for the CPA Exam itself.

For Task-Based Simulations, you should take time to focus on all of the tools and resources to which you will have access during the exam. A review course that emulates the exam should have the same features available as you will see on the exam. Additionally, you can familiarize yourself with the AICPA’s sample tests.

Candidates have access to an on-screen calculator and Excel spreadsheets for all testlets. These are resources you’re likely already familiar with, but they will be a bit different on the exam. For example, Excel’s features that might give candidates more information than intended (e.g., internet access) are not available during testing.

For Task-Based Simulations, candidates will also have access to Authoritative Literature. This is a tool used primarily for the Research Task-Based Simulations; you will not have enough time during your exam to look up specific authoritative guidance for every Task-Based Simulation. This resource can be a bit overwhelming at first, so take time during your studies to learn how to use it!

Do not skip any questions within a task.

Be sure to answer every question within a task. Just as with Multiple-Choice Questions, even if you do not know an answer, enter your best educated guess.

Spend any remaining budgeted time you have for each testlet to carefully scan the answer choices and make sure you didn’t forget anything.

NOTE: There will be some questions where a blank answer is the correct answer. Be sure to read the directions carefully!

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