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Gleim SmartAdapt™
Adaptive Course Platform

What is SmartAdapt?

Groundbreaking technology designed to help you build the confidence you need to pass the CMA exam on the first try.

Our SmartAdapt learning platform identifies where you need to focus (and where you don’t) throughout your studies in order to be 100% prepared for the exam. SmartAdapt is like your personal exam tutor, telling you exactly what you should be studying, providing personalized feedback, adjusting as you go, and—most importantly—letting you know when you’re ready to test.

Gleim SmartAdapt™
Adaptive Course Platform

What is SmartAdapt?

Groundbreaking technology designed to help you build the confidence you need to pass the CMA exam on the first try.

Our SmartAdapt learning platform identifies where you need to focus (and where you don’t) throughout your studies in order to be 100% prepared for the exam. SmartAdapt is like your personal exam tutor, telling you exactly what you should be studying, providing personalized feedback, adjusting as you go, and—most importantly—letting you know when you’re ready to test.

How does it work?

In order to take the guesswork out of studying and let you know when you’re fully prepared, SmartAdapt

Breaks down learning material from the ICMA’s learning outcome statements into bite-sized learning modules called Study Units.

Identifies what you already know and what you need to learn using short, targeted quizzes. It delivers expertly written and designed review materials and video lectures focused on topics you need to study.

Tests your understanding of new material, while keeping you refreshed on topics you have already mastered, by providing cumulative adaptive multiple-choice quizzes and essay questions.

Gets you exam-ready with a full-length Mock Exams and final review, then tells you when you are ready to take and pass the exam with confidence.

Why is SmartAdapt the #1 choice in adaptive review?

SmartAdapt is the only adaptive technology designed to deliver the highest quality exam prep materials in a manageable and efficient format that is tailored to meet your specific study needs!

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Try SmartAdapt for free when you demo Gleim CMA Review!