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Contact Us : 800.874.5346        International: +1 352.375.0772


The Adaptive Course Platform From The #1 CIA Review

If you are considering earning your CIA, you already have an extensive internal audit background.

Why would you start your studies from scratch?
We leveraged our 40 years of CIA experience to develop an adaptive platform you can trust to prepare you more effectively.

What is SmartAdapt?

Groundbreaking technology designed to help you pass the CIA exam on your first try.

Our online learning platform identifies where you need to focus (and where you don’t) in order to be 100% prepared for the exam. SmartAdapt is like your personal exam tutor available on-demand—it tells you what you need to study, adjusts as your quiz scores improve, and lets you know when you’re ready to test.

How does it work?

  • Breaks down content from The IIA’s Exam Syllabus into bite-sized modules called Study Units.
  • Identifies what you already know using short, targeted quizzes.
  • Delivers expertly authored review materials and video lectures on topics you need to study.
  • Tests your understanding of new material and keeps material you've mastered fresh.
  • Gets you exam-ready with full-length Exam Rehearsal(s) and a final review.
  • Tells you when you’re ready to pass—and you will with confidence. We guarantee it.

Gleim is your #1 choice for adaptive review

Try SmartAdapt for free when you demo Gleim CIA Review!