Our top priority is for you to pass the CIA exam on your first attempt. As a result, we have created the new CIA Practice Exam. The Gleim CIA Practice Exam is 2 hours and 25 minutes long and contains 90 multiple-choice questions, just like the actual CIA exam. Therefore, it tests you not only on the content you have studied, but also on the question-answering and time-management techniques you will need to learn to pass your exam(s). Dr. Gleim recommends that you take the Gleim Practice Exam AFTER you have completed all study units of your CIA Review and shortly BEFORE you take the actual exam to gain experience in the computer-based exam environment.
Since Gleim is so invested in your success, we are offering you a complimentary CIA Practice Exam with the purchase of the corresponding part(s) of the CIA Gleim Online and/or CIA Review System for a limited time only. After that time, only CIA Review System purchasers will be eligible for complimentary access to the Practice Exam.
Contact us at 800.874.5346 to get your complimentary access now!