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Question: How soon will I know my score on the exam? Answer: Scores will be shown on screen at the end of the examination, and the candidate will receive a printed score report before leaving the test site. Scaled scores are determined by calculating the number of questions answered correctly from the total number of...
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Many candidates write or call us asking about certain tax terms they are unfamiliar with and how they can better understand these terms. For general accounting questions such as this, Dr. Gleim recommends that you research and answer them on your own. You will learn more by researching a question or term on your own,...
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Good news! The following information about the 2006 exam has recently been posted on the IRS website: Selection of a vendor to develop and administer the Special Enrollment Examination Thomson Prometric has been selected to develop and administer the Internal Revenue Service’s Special Enrollment Examination. It is the goal of the IRS to have Thomson...
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The IRS Enrolled Agent (EA) designation is an excellent way to increase your marketability and gain real-life experience. However, earning an EA designation takes hard work, perseverance, and training. The EA exam is a challenge for many candidates, but with proper preparation, you can pass this exam. Gleim has developed a study system that helps...
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Question: What kinds of questions can the Personal Counselors help me with? Answer: Gleim Personal Counselors are experienced, knowledgeable experts who can advise you on everything from how much study time you need to which parts to take first. The Counselors will work with you to create a study plan and answer any questions you...
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This Study Tip discusses the importance of having confidence when taking the EA Exam. Confidence is crucial. It is directly related to your determination to pass the EA Exam and to your commitment to preparing for it. You will become an Enrolled Agent if you are determined. You have already taken a very important step...
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The EA exam is very different and very difficult compared to other exams you have taken. Because of the large volume of tested topics, you have to adjust to answering questions that appear very difficult and require educated guessing. If you do not know the answer to a question, guess, but make an educated guess....
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Question: What kinds of questions are on the EA exam? Answer: The EA exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions. Questions on the exam are all worth the same points. There is no point difference for conceptual or calculation type questions. There are three types of multiple-choice questions on the exam: “direct question,” “incomplete sentence,” and...
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This Study Tip of the Week discusses how to complete CPE for Enrolled Agents. When using Gleim CPE for your Enrolled Agent Continuing Education hours, you should follow the following procedure to get the most benefit. Step One: Answer 20 introductory diagnostic multiple-choice questions. This is to introduce you to the subject matter of your...
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Happy Memorial Day Everyone needs to take a break once in a while. I encourage you to take some time off of studying this holiday weekend. Spend a day with your friends and family, and look forward to the summer with renewed determination and enthusiasm. On behalf of the entire Gleim Team, I wish you...
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