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The most successful candidates know that the best way to study is in moderation. You should start your preparations as early as possible and schedule 1-2 hours a study session. Take at least one break in the middle of you session to keep your mind fresh and open. Candidates who follow this method will retain...
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Final Review Using Your CIA Test Prep CD-Rom To make sure that you are completely confident before the exam, take practice quizzes. Using your CIA Test Prep CD-Rom, you can create customized quizzes, or even a practice exam! To simulate the CIA exam, use Test Session to create and print a 125-question exam. Then find...
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Question: I would like to sit for the CIA exam in May, but I’m going to be out of the country. Are there testing sites outside of the United States? Answer: Yes! The CIA exam is international and is offered in 200 testing centers around the world. Go to the IIA’s website to find a...
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Elevate Your Reading Rate Almost anyone can double his/her reading rate while maintaining at least an equal level of comprehension. To set this skill in motion, one must meet four (4) basic conditions: Check your eyes. Before embarking on your reading efficiency crusade, consult your optometrist. Uncorrected eye defects often negatively impact one’s reading rate...
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Master’s degree students are perfect candidates for the CIA exam. They have already fulfilled their education requirement and can easily fulfill the experience requirements once they receive their degree in auditing or after they graduate. Many universities across the country have CIA discount programs with Gleim so their students can save money when they order....
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Making the CIA Exam Personal Just like preparing for an Olympic event, preparing for the CIA exam requires discipline and endurance combined with a carefully implemented course of action. Similar to the way in which Olympic athletes rely on a personal trainer, Gleim’s CIA exam candidates use a Personal Counselor to guide and motivate them....
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Question: “What is the best way to utilize the Test Preparation books?” Answer: One should rarely read an exam preparation book like a novel. Any attempt to sequentially memorize each page from cover to cover requires an exorbitant amount of time and concentration. Instead, scan over the headings, titles, picture captions and questions before you...
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BREAKING NEWS! CIA Exam Registration is Now Open! Candidates can now register to sit for the CIA exam. Starting May 5th, CIA candidates can begin sitting for the exam upon successful registration. Contact Gleim’s Personal Counselors at 800.874.5346, ext. 498, for more details or with your general inquiries.
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Question: Since the CIA Exam will be computerized, where can I find relevant information regarding the reformatted exam? Answer: The CIA candidate forum is constantly updated with current information regarding the CIA exam. Checking this forum frequently will keep you well-informed regarding the changes that the CIA Exam will be undergoing. You can also go...
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The CIA exam has left its candidates with an overwhelming amount of time to prepare for any unpassed sections. Begin preparing NOW so that you can sit for 2 parts when May 5, 2008 arrives. Contact your Personal Counselor at 800.874.5346, extension 498, to receive a detailed study plan.
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