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The IIA recently released revised IPPF standards. These standards became effective January 1, 2011. They are not eligible to be tested on the actual CIA Exam prior to July 1, 2011. The Gleim 14th edition material is the most current and will prepare you for the current exam. We will release a new edition at...
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Take Advantage of the Computerized Exam Candidates sitting for the CIA Exam now have the luxury of taking the exam at their leisure. The CIA Exam is now offered ON DEMAND and is available year round. Check your nearest Pearson VUE testing center for availability. Also note that Gleim’s newest edition, the 14th Edition, emulates...
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Question: I noticed that the concepts on the CIA exam require two different levels of knowledge, proficiency and awareness. What do they mean? Answer: You will notice as you study for the CIA exam that some areas require you to demonstrate proficiency while others require awareness demonstration. These two requirements are defined as: Proficiency –...
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When you are taking a difficult multiple-choice test, it is important to know that your answer is the best choice. Make sure you read through all the answer choices before you make your final decision. Remember, you have to choose the best answer choice, so even if the first answer appears to be the correct...
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Question: What concepts are covered in Part 4? Answer: Part 4 of the CIA exam covers Business Management Skills. In this section candidates must demonstrate awareness, but not proficiency, of each of the topics. The first subsection is concerned with strategic management. It covers global analytical techniques, industry environments, strategic decisions, portfolio techniques of competitive...
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How to be in CONTROL on exam day. Last week, I discussed a few examples of how to be in control on exam day. This week, I will conclude our discussion on how to stay in control on exam day. Test Day Essentials. Take your Authorization to Test notification from The IIA, your appointment confirmation...
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Question: What concepts are covered in Part 3? Answer: This section of the CIA exam covers business analysis and information technology. Part 3 of the CIA exam consists of 5 subsections. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency and awareness for three of these sections; for the other two sections, candidates need only demonstrate awareness. Subsection 1 covers...
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Steps to pass the CIA Exam – Step 8 Congratulations on becoming a Certified Internal Auditor! You used Gleim to prepare for this difficult exam, and now you are enjoying the success of passing. At this point, you must maintain your CPE hours. Gleim offers 200 online CPE courses. They are everything you need in...
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How to be in CONTROL on exam day. Last week I highlighted the importance of being in control when preparing for the exam. This week I will discuss a few examples of how to remain in control on exam day. Dress for Success. When taking the exam, dressing for success means wearing comfortable clothes. Sweats,...
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Question: What concepts are covered in Part 2? Answer: Part 2 is broken down into five subsections. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in all areas of this section. Only subsections 4 and 5 require candidates to only demonstrate awareness. The first subsection concerns conducting an engagement. Candidates must have knowledge of research, fraud potential, data collection,...
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